I am here to guide and support organizations and leaders to connect with their purpose and align with their values. 


I work to empower leaders to find their purpose and tap into their innate wisdom for guidance. I assist leaders to connect with their purpose and lead from that place, align their work and life with their values and grow even in these uncertain times.


One on one coaching provides the space to transform the way in which you  approach obstacles, conflict, management and team dynamics. 


After a session of envisioning your goals, you will begin your own journey. In this process, you can set specific outcomes or delve into a deep and transformational path guided by your own resources. I will accompany you on the path of discovering what is possible. 



I work with non-profit organizations to achieve alignment and clarity in their strategic direction with their mission. I have worked with social justice organizations almost exclusively in my career. I have found that organizations find themselves within a constellation of other leaders and allies who are working to create change in the world. Creating a strategic direction that identifies values, is clear on areas of collaboration, and is based on a congruent theory of change, can help organizations set their objectives and meet them with a clear plan. I facilitate meetings, convenings, and retreats of teams inside of organizations to help them set a coherent strategy. 


 What is the vision you hold for your organization? What are some ways to realize that vision? What is your theory of change? 


Organizational Development and Change Management: Managing and operationalizing your ideas and what is on paper to action can sometimes be challenging. I can assist leaders in your organization in building effective teams and assessing the organizational capacity to meet their objectives and create the change they envision.  Creating practices that connect emotional maturity and experience in HR practices to building teams  is crucial for organizational success.


Group Coaching

Teams and other community groups also benefit from coaching. I facilitate coaching by raising key questions about issues or conflicts in a group dynamic and assist, in a supportive and connected way, to create the change you want to see within yourself and in your relationship with others. 


In the many years that I have assisted leaders in organizations, I have learned that emotional maturity and EQ play a significant role in finding solutions and managing complex organizational dynamics. I will work with teams to find and practice how to align individual team members with their emotional awareness,  values and team objectives.